Bailey and Mommy’s cellphone
Bailey is quite proficient at using my phone. Apparently she thinks I take a lot of pictures with it because she often holds it out in front of her face and says ‘cheese’! When she’s not taking pretend photos of herself, she’s opening, unlocking, getting online and googling random letters…I’ve caught her on someone else’s blog after she googled ‘llsg’. She’s also googled ‘scdc’, which I was unaware of, but it’s the ‘South Carolina Department of Corrections’ website…she then proceeded to do an inmate search. Thankfully I caught her there. She’s quick. Most recently, she changed my wallpaper to some sort of spiraling twilight deal, which I’m not even sure how to do that…I’ll give it to her; it was kind of soothing to watch. Immediately following she was pretending to say hello and handed me the phone….expecting to play along, I take the phone and realized she had actually redialed the restaurant I called earlier and was talking to the hostess.
When Bailey says she is all done with her food, you better move quickly. If you hesitate, she will either flip her tray or throw her food to the floor. Then she looks over her seat and says ‘UH OOOOO’
Rough morning
After a fiasco of a morning, Brett played coupons with me and we traded our ‘savings’ from the Valpak. It made everything better.
At breakfast with Grace, Brett observes that ‘we are all girls and he is a boy…like daddy…and boys are big, strong and wrestle, wrestle.’ I can’t argue with him there.
Bailey truly loves Colin. She always brings him toys and has to check on her ‘Ca Ca’
I took B&B to Pump it up. It was packed with families…Bailey toddled around to each infant carseat and started rocking it saying ‘Ca Ca…Ca Ca’
Brett spent the day with Grandma Nancy and we joined them for dinner. Brett was so excited to see Bailey. ‘That’s my sister! Bailey! I love you so much!’
Brett was pretending to be a firefighter and said that he had a GREAT day at work.
If Bailey is crying, Brett will give her a hug and a kiss. It usually makes her stop.
Brett told me it was too late to change his diaper. Confused, I said ‘What?’ He smiles and busts out in song, ‘It’s too late… to come back now…I believe I believe I believe I’m falling in love!’
Bailey loves to say ‘ssssshut!’. She’s opens anything she can so she can say shut and slam it. Cupboards, fridge, dishwasher, gate, you name it.
Was changing Bailey’s diaper, Brett say’s Oh look, her poo poos look like animals!
Brett and Bailey both say AWWWEsome!
Brett made Bailey cry…’I’m sorry Bailey, I still love you. I’ll be REALLY nice.’
Brett thinks that if he changes his tone or volume that the answer will be different.
Rob is leaving earlier in the morning and the kids often wake up after he’s gone. At breakfast Brett says ‘Let’s call Daddy.’ I told him daddy was probably getting into work and we should maybe try to call him later. ‘Ok, you text him then?’
Bailey had the flu for a day; she got up from her nap and only wanted Dada.
Brett calling my bluff
Was struggling to get Brett to eat breakfast. I tried the whole positive motivating ‘food will make you big and strong’…’don’t you want to grow?’...then tried to make it a competition…’Bailey ate her breakfast…do you want her to be stronger than you and beat you in wrestling?’...Then finally the big threat ‘if you don’t eat your food and be a big boy then maybe you can’t go with grandma today for your class….do you want me to call grandma and tell her you can’t go today?’
Without flinching he says ‘Yeah mom, you call grandma.’ Apparently Brett knew there was no way that Grandma Nancy would miss his special day.
If you say ‘Ready, Set…’ Bailey will yell ‘GO!’ and then try to run. It’s awkward and adorable.
Hole in the Sea
We usually listen to silly songs in the morning and one of Brett’s favorites was playing ‘There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea’. Brett looks at me and say’s ‘Oh no, a hole in the bottom of the sea! Will you fix it?’
I laughed and said ‘I don’t think I can buddy.’
He says, ‘Ok, I’ll do it.’
Everyone naps at 1. We have a whole routine of who is put down first and we all say ‘night night’. Bailey thinks it’s funny to run away as I’m putting Grace into her crib. She used to only get to the door, now she’s running down the hall laughing and racing into Brett’s room to jump on his bed.
I’ll stay here
I told Brett, after naptime we have to hurry and run to the store. Brett says, ‘you and Bailey go, I’ll stay here’.
I tell him, ‘No Brett you can’t stay here by yourself.’
Brett confirms, ‘no it’s ok mommy I’ll stay here.’
‘I can’t believe I’m arguing this already. Brett, you’re 2. You’re not allowed to stay home alone!’
Brett, at times, struggles with selective hearing, kind of like his father…and was in time-out. He was physically and vocally expressing his unhappiness about it. Bailey got very concerned for him and went right over to his bin and one by one brought him his trucks to make him feel better.
Of course the night that Rob had to work late was after a long day of fits and tempers and the last bit of my patience. After naps I vowed B&B and I needed to get out of the house and we were going to be happy. I changed my clothes and Brett exclaims, ‘OH mommy! You look wonderful! I LOVE your green shirt, it looks cool!’ Ok Brett, all is forgiven and we had a great datenight at D’Agostino’s…topped off with a trip to McDonalds playplace and a shamrock shake to share. It was delightful.
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Wow, has it really been almost 2 years since I’ve updated the Harman blog?! Rob has been not so subtly dropping hints that I have neglected ...
I have lacked on my posting. My husband is the first to point out. It’s just so hard to keep up with everything the kids are doing! We ha...
I apologize firstly for my delay in posting. Rob, as he was off for a solo movie night, told me this evening to stop playing with my phone ...
And just like that…summer’s over The kids and I ran ourselves to the ground and are slowly getting back to a normal schedule. We’ve had ...
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