Friday, February 26, 2010

Bailey sleeps through the night!

While I have 1/2 a minute, I'll try to update both the Harman babies. Bailey has slept 7 hours the last 3 of 4 nights! This is two weeks ahead of what Brett did and we thought that was amazing! Granted, she has some very unhappy, cranky hours before bed but we're hoping that will soon pass. We head to her 2 month appt on Tuesday so we are excited to see how the doc says she's doing.
Brett is still a VERY loving and involved big brother. He loves to hold her and pat her back. So much so...we have to watch him like a hawk now. Apparently at 21 months he doesn't know that he can't just pull Bailey off the couch or walk around holding her... we are working on it. Every once in a while, he'll be upset and point the floor saying "baby", meaning put Bailey down. But really, he hasn't been too jealous of the attention that Bailey gets.
Brett is still very much into trucks and now has extended the obsession to any transportation vehicle, thanks to a new book daddy got him. Brett is talking more but uses a lot of random sounds for things consistently...which is fine for me to understand him but I'm sure to others it sounds a little strange. For example, he growls for trucks..and now cars, airplanes, helicopters, etc., he says something very similar for shower, shovel and wrestle, he says 'yah' for socks and 'yeah' jacket. I have no idea how he got to those but I know what he means. We also just discovered that he's saying "BE-ta" for Brett. Once I figured it out, I realized he talks about himself often and usually correctly.
I was struggling with him the other day, he kept pointing at me and grunting and I couldn't figure out what he wanted...he finally pointed and then ran his hands back through his hair...I had just pulled up my hair and apparently he didn't like it. I said "oh, do you want mommy's hair down?" he laughed and once I put it back down all was well. He's done this 3-4 times since so I guess he's prefers girls with longer hair?
Brett thoroughly enjoys watching wrestling with daddy and they have 'practice' every night before bed. Last week at Rob's kids' meet Brett got to run out on the mat after they were done. Brett was thrilled and laughed hysterically as he threw himself on the ground and tackled daddy. Rob says he'll be fine even if Brett doesn't wrestle but obviously this early interest makes daddy very happy.
Naptime is over...back to being mommy

More Feb

Thursday, February 4, 2010


We've survived our first whole month of being a family of four. Bailey's first couple of weeks were a little hectic so Rob and I took turns sleeping on the couch and staying downstairs with her so she wouldn't wake up Brett. I'm proud to say we have all moved back upstairs and Bailey is adjusting nicely to actually sleeping at night instead of staying up for long periods when it is dark outside. Brett is thoroughly enamored with his little sister and HAS to give her kisses throughout the day. When he gets hurt, he wants BAY-BEe to give him a kiss and then Ma-mee can kiss it. Brett seems to think it's hilarious when she does things, i.e. sneezes, burps, or jumps up from a deep sleep because he threw his truck on the floor beside her. It's great to see how much he loves her already!
To avoid complete cabin fever, we've tried to get out of the house a couple of times a week to run errands or go to the kids' museum. Only once so far did I receive a number of knowing looks from other mothers saying 'you poor lady with two screaming kids'. Other than that, it hasn't been that bad.

We survived JAN

Wow, has it really been almost 2 years since I’ve updated the Harman blog?! Rob has been not so subtly dropping hints that I have neglected ...