Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We got a tooth!

As soon as I thought we were getting into a routine, Bailey started teething. I knew the drooling was getting out of control but realized when she was 'chewing' on my finger that a tooth had already popped through. No wonder we are back to getting up at 4am!

Brett still loves his sister dearly and we continue to work on 'gentle' ways of showing it. We thought he was kissing her hand and after she started screaming, we realized he was biting her. "Brett! Did you just bite Bailey?" "YEAH!" Apparently something else we need to work on.

Brett figured out this month how to climb into Bailey's crib...we asked him how he got in there so he showed us how he scaled the bars, pulled himself up, and then flipped over, falling head first into the mattress. Thankfully he has not done this while Bailey was IN the crib. I'm sure she would not appreciate her brother jumping on her when she's asleep. I guess she is learning quickly what it's like having an older brother.

We've been working on new words every day with Brett, saying names of family members and things we see. We were doing patty-cake the other day, Brett thinks it's hilarious to do "ROOOOLLLL it" with his hands. He was giving me names of people to make cakes for. We did our cousins Asha (yaya) and Aubrey (AH-Bee), Uncle Chris (kiss) and then Obama. So because Brett insisted, we made a cake for the president.

The other afternoon we were cooking dinner and waiting for daddy to come home. Bailey was in her bouncy chair and Brett was running around. Bailey had kicked off her shoe and somehow got it into her mouth to chew on and I laughed saying "Oh Bailey we don't eat our shoes" I turned back to the stove but not before catching Brett smacking her saying "NO SHOE MOUTH!" People warned us how hard it would be having 2 kids this close in age and they were right. We are definitely admitting we were naive, but no one could prepare you for how funny it is.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Is it really May already?

I'm struggling to grasp the fact that it's May and in this month Bailey is 4 months old and Brett will be turning 2! Where does the time go?
Bailey had her 4 month appt and her doc said clearly she has no issues with growing! Bailey is now over 16lbs and in the 95th percentile for weight for girls her age....yes I said 95. She is still sleeping well through the night and the long crying fits are not nearly as often. She smiles and laughs but it's usually at Brett. Last night Brett and I were reading and Bailey thought it was hilarious for us to "Nay" like a horse. We got out Brett's old jumperoo and she seems to be a big fan of it!
Brett is almost 2. I feel like we just had his first birthday. While I'm in denial about how old he is, he is growing and changing daily! It's funny as he is becoming more verbal, I'm seeing how much he really does understand and take in. He used to growl (for truck) and shrug his shoulders meaning "where is his truck?". Now he is saying "white truck go?" I worked on colors with him for like a day or two and now his favorite thing is to name what color everything is. It's quite cute. He loves going to the library and looking at books. It's so nice that the library is 1/2 a block away, we go for evening walks there 3-4 times a week. I visited a friend for lunch last week at an elementary school. Not only was the room full of kid-size furniture and bright colors but Brett saw a fire truck (twice!), a school bus (multiple times), a white van, and then we were stopped by a train on the way home with 84 cars. He was yelling and pointing so much he was exhausted by the time we got home. Brett was in heaven!

May flowers!

Wow, has it really been almost 2 years since I’ve updated the Harman blog?! Rob has been not so subtly dropping hints that I have neglected ...