Thursday, June 26, 2014
June 2014
My husband has very kindly reminded me that I am late in updating the blog. Every time something happens or I take a picture he says “Oh that would be great on the blog…”
Brett is 6 and done with kindergarten! I can’t believe he is officially a 1st grader! He seems so grown up and mature. He is constantly telling Bailey, it’s ok you’ll learn when you do kindergarten! I’m realizing now that he is home all day again, I need to keep him active and entertained!
Brett and Bailey are BOTH doing Tball this summer, with mom and dad as the coaches (much to Rob’s disapproval). Kids are doing great when Bailey’s not playing in the dirt and Brett’s not climbing fences.
Bailey finished playschool and is registered for PreK in the fall! She goes back and forth from being excited to being nervous. I’m sure she will love it.
Brayden is ONE YEAR OLD. I am in a little disbelief about this still. He is constantly on the go; walking, climbing, throwing himself on the floor, you name it. He has 10 teeth already with 2 more on the way! He is hysterical. He says “uh huh” for yes and uses his whole body to nod. He does a “stinky face” that is adorable and he pulls it out when you can tell he is happy or thinks something is funny. He has a bit of a “throwing” problem. Seriously anything that he can pick up or put in his hand, he will find a way to chuck it across the room. He dances to music and loves to snuggle.
Brett was being a little smart aleck in the car, “Bailey is just saying that to be funny, she thinks she's funny.”
I said, “Bailey is funny, you're funny and mommy is super duper funny.”
He responded, “When have you been funny? Tell me. I don't remember a time when you were funny.”
Bailey proclaims she is going to be a space girl. I said “great, you’ll have to go to school for a long time to learn about it.”
My wonderful friend from Ohio Jen Bachelder (who I used to babysit!) was generous to help out with the 6 kids a couple times of week. There were 2 days a week when I had 3 napping, 2 going to a class, and 1 getting picked up from school. All at the same time. So assistance with logistics was much appreciated. Jen also worked on the side with the Chicago Wolves hockey team. After 5 years, I finally took advantage of her tickets and took Brett to a game. Just us. It was a great time. When I tucked him in that night we were talking about our favorite things from the day. I told him I was so happy to have a Mommy and Brett date. He said he didn’t remember the last time it was just he and I. A testament to why I need to do that more! Ms. Jen moved back to Ohio at the end of April, making the rest of the school year interesting. I looked pretty funny carrying 1, pushing 2, having 2 hold on to the stroller to pick up Brett from school. We are very sad to lose our babysitter!
Bailey came down for breakfast saying “I had a bad dream! I dreamt that grandpa turned into batman’s enemy. I hated it!”
"Bailey you can have my avocado if you want..."
I'm thinking oh look they are being nice.
"It has tarantulas in it..."
And we're back
The joys of listening to brothers and sisters playing...
"Pinkie Pie comes to the party first."
"Then a bomb EXPLODES it!"
Bailey needed a lot of redirection one afternoon, “Mom you sound like an old lady…I mean you still look beautiful, but you sound like an old lady.” I asked, “WHAT?!”
“Um, nevermind”
Brett was so excited that they were making something for mother’s day at school. When he came out of class that day, he ran up and gave me a frame he painted and a book he made. He was so proud!
My Mom and I…
My mom and I play games.
My mom and I eat salad.
My mom and I read books.
My mom and I watch the news.
My mom and I like to relax.
My mom and I go to Mariano’s.
(Rob can testify to the last one, he hates how much the new Mariano’s has increased our grocery bill! But it’s so good!)
You know Bailey is trying to make up some points when she compliments me on my earrings and ring, and then I tell her I’m not wearing any jewelry.
When we were out running around I asked Bailey where her hat was. She said she left it at home. I said, “It’s ok, we’ll get it when we get back.”
“Oh NO! I hope it’s not in the toilet!!!!”
Brett has been big on wanting to do chores. He has told me multiple times, “mom I’m going to do all the cleaning so you can relax.”
Last night Brayden was getting fussy a little early. Rob had just gotten home so I was going to let him stay up for a bit. We are at that stage when he knows what he wants but can’t verbalize it so often he is screaming trying to communicate. This was one of those times. He wanted up, then fussed. Put him down, he fussed. So I said, “Wow you seem like you are tired, do you want to go to bed??” Thinking that would make him stop. He said uh huh, turned and walked out of the room right to the stairs, crawled up to his room and laid right down.
Bailey was wearing a new shirt. When I tucked her in for nap I told her that I liked her shirt and she looked so grown up and pretty. She said, “I look just like you”
Brayden loves his pacifiers. At bedtime, he has one in his mouth and 1 or 2 in each hand. We can never keep them all. He throws them out of the stroller. I’ve found 3 or so hiding in his book shelf. One was in the cage of the batman cave. Sometimes he hides them in Abby’s car seat.
Brett was confused on a term. He asked, “is it booby trap or MOVIE trap?” I said, “Booby trap.” He said, “Oh well then that’s disgusting.”
Again, Brayden has an issue with throwing things. I saw him struggle with his ball popping train, he was stumbling and straining while carrying it. All the sudden he throws it down, making a very loud noise. I asked him why he did that and walked over and picked it up. When it turned upside down, 2 pacifiers fell out. I said, “Oh were you trying to get those out?” He did his infamous body shaking for yes, picked up his pacifiers and went on his way. Apparently our problem solving skills are as advanced as throwing and breaking things…hmm wonder who he got that from?!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014
Doesn’t seem like it should be 2014 already! It’s been so busy, I’ve started this blog multiple times and by the time I go to finish the kids are doing different things! Brayden is almost 10 months, Bailey is 4 and Brett is 5 1/2. The kids had a nice winter break although sick most of the time. I think in the 2 weeks Brett was out of school we had 5 sick doctor appointments. By New Year’s Eve, all 3 were on antibiotics for ear infections. Brett is currently home AGAIN with a double ear infection. Thankfully we had scheduled our Ohio Christmas trip for after the New Year so the three kiddos were feeling better by the time we went. Unfortunately that was right in the middle of the insane cold winter storm which made for a very long drive back with a hotel stay somewhere in the Indiana. Kids did well considering the 13+ hours we were in the car. We got home safe and sound and our house survived the bitter cold so we are counting our blessings.
Brayden is getting so big! At his last appointment he was 21lb 7 oz! He has 6 teeth, 4 on the bottom and 2 on top. He is crawling all over the place and pulling himself up on things. He loves music toys, sticks and balls. His first legit crawling was to a football! I made a lot of his first purees but have had a hard time keeping up! He first favs were squash and bananas. Now he just eats a bit of everything! Daddy’s going to start crying when we go out to eat, Brayden shared my Vday dinner of lobster, steak and green beans! He loved it! Another surprise favorite, cooked broccoli!? He shoves it in his mouth! Brayden certainly loves his brother and sister. He laughs at them all the time. He’s such a happy baby. He gives the best hugs and snuggles.
The kids went to see the movie Frozen. This has consumed Bailey. She has seen it 3x, has listened to the soundtrack a hundred times and read the books even more. If you would like to have a conversation with her, you should familiarize yourself with all things Frozen!
We have some newbies in Harman daycare! We now have Brett (5), Bailey (4), Grace (4), Brayden (9 months), Andrew (4 months) and Abby (2 months)!!! And for a special bonus week we had our old friends Colin (3) and Logan (1)!! Quiet it is not:) Everyone is adjusting well and the kids are all enjoying having friends to play with. Bailey helps getting things for me and Brayden loves to climb up and bounce the seat if someone is in it. It's so cute to see them interact so much already.
Kids were a little stir crazy with the snow days and I asked them to calm down. Then I got hit in the head by a batarang…redirection fail.
Brett: “Look there's something on the table and it’s moving!! Oh it’s just my jello”
Jan 15th I grasped how much Bailey has grown up. She called my phone from Grandma Nancy’s. She knew my phone number, sounded so grown up on the phone and then as I’m running errands, I realized she was no longer in the baby/toddler clothes sections. She was in the big girl section. I called Rob and cried.
Brett realizing that it’s still dark in am. “Maybe God’s sleeping.” “No he watches us all the time.” Always having to have the last word he says, “Um maybe he doesn’t”
Bailey: “Um excuse me.” Tapping her finger on chin. Bailey knows she can get almost anything from Daddy
Bailey: “I can live with that”
Bailey: “For my birthday I can do whatever I want, except pick my nose”
Bailey: “Daddy let me tell you something and never forget. Mom is always right” Obviously she was trying to get some good points in with Mommy, it worked.
Brett and Bailey were playing with blocks. I hear him say, “Look, these are 3 dimensional shape…”
Listening to music, part of a song was Press play or press pause. Bailey says “Press pause if you have to go potty or someone gets hurt”. Wow how differently they understand just watching tv!
We were watching the last OSU game. I was putting dishes away. Brett says, “Mom we missed a touchdown, I’ll fast forward it backwards for you!”
We’ve had a few snow days in January! Brett was getting a little used to the extra time at home and more attention from Mama. “Mom, did you want to make pancakes today? I could go for some…”
Bailey “Excuse me, I’m a toot machine. I like to toot.” Yes, that means what you think it does. She even made a point to tell our pediatrician at Brayden’s check up.
Brett was trying to 1 up his father. He said “my brain is 80x bigger than yours!”
The kids were excited to see their Vday surprises. In reaction to Bailey’s purple My little Pony “I was expecting a blue pony, but this is ok!”
Daddy topped the day off by sending flowers for Bailey. She was ecstatic when they came to the door. “I’m so happy, I could cry!!!!” This will now have to be a yearly tradition!
Before the holidays I was running errands with all 3 kids. It can be challenging at times and it was freezing cold. We stopped for lunch and had to walk back to the car to head home. Half way to the car Brett realizes he left his sticker (someone was handing out to kids) at the lunch table. I told him I was sorry but we needed to get back home and it was too cold to walk back. It was not worth it to me to fight the weather with 3 kids to get a sticker that he will no doubt lose or throw away by the time we get home. My normally level headed mature child completely loses his cool. A tremendous fit ensues. Mind you, wind is blowing the hats off our heads, it’s snowing, it’s about 10 degrees, I had maxed out my allotted time with running around with Brayden AND I had told him to grab it before we left the restaurant. Brett wants to walk 10 min in the wrong direction to get a sticker. I told him no and next time to make sure he had all of his stuff. He is jumping up and down screaming. I continue walking. Knowing his fit is frustrating me, he then yells, “I will not stop crying until we go back and get my sticker!” I was impressed and shocked by his threat. He made a valiant effort and did last a good 25 min of yelling and crying but he did not win said fight.
Rob was out of town one weekend. I had to barter a little with the kids to get all my errands done. After a Costco trip (in Superhero Saturday attire), we went to the book store. After we got all the grocery shopping done, we went to the Jump Zone. On the way home, the car seemed quiet for the first time all weekend. I mentioned, I must have tired babies, it’s so quiet! From the back, Brett says “I’m not tired; I just don’t have any questions or many things to tell you.”
Brayden is getting so big! At his last appointment he was 21lb 7 oz! He has 6 teeth, 4 on the bottom and 2 on top. He is crawling all over the place and pulling himself up on things. He loves music toys, sticks and balls. His first legit crawling was to a football! I made a lot of his first purees but have had a hard time keeping up! He first favs were squash and bananas. Now he just eats a bit of everything! Daddy’s going to start crying when we go out to eat, Brayden shared my Vday dinner of lobster, steak and green beans! He loved it! Another surprise favorite, cooked broccoli!? He shoves it in his mouth! Brayden certainly loves his brother and sister. He laughs at them all the time. He’s such a happy baby. He gives the best hugs and snuggles.
The kids went to see the movie Frozen. This has consumed Bailey. She has seen it 3x, has listened to the soundtrack a hundred times and read the books even more. If you would like to have a conversation with her, you should familiarize yourself with all things Frozen!
We have some newbies in Harman daycare! We now have Brett (5), Bailey (4), Grace (4), Brayden (9 months), Andrew (4 months) and Abby (2 months)!!! And for a special bonus week we had our old friends Colin (3) and Logan (1)!! Quiet it is not:) Everyone is adjusting well and the kids are all enjoying having friends to play with. Bailey helps getting things for me and Brayden loves to climb up and bounce the seat if someone is in it. It's so cute to see them interact so much already.
Kids were a little stir crazy with the snow days and I asked them to calm down. Then I got hit in the head by a batarang…redirection fail.
Brett: “Look there's something on the table and it’s moving!! Oh it’s just my jello”
Jan 15th I grasped how much Bailey has grown up. She called my phone from Grandma Nancy’s. She knew my phone number, sounded so grown up on the phone and then as I’m running errands, I realized she was no longer in the baby/toddler clothes sections. She was in the big girl section. I called Rob and cried.
Brett realizing that it’s still dark in am. “Maybe God’s sleeping.” “No he watches us all the time.” Always having to have the last word he says, “Um maybe he doesn’t”
Bailey: “Um excuse me.” Tapping her finger on chin. Bailey knows she can get almost anything from Daddy
Bailey: “I can live with that”
Bailey: “For my birthday I can do whatever I want, except pick my nose”
Bailey: “Daddy let me tell you something and never forget. Mom is always right” Obviously she was trying to get some good points in with Mommy, it worked.
Brett and Bailey were playing with blocks. I hear him say, “Look, these are 3 dimensional shape…”
Listening to music, part of a song was Press play or press pause. Bailey says “Press pause if you have to go potty or someone gets hurt”. Wow how differently they understand just watching tv!
We were watching the last OSU game. I was putting dishes away. Brett says, “Mom we missed a touchdown, I’ll fast forward it backwards for you!”
We’ve had a few snow days in January! Brett was getting a little used to the extra time at home and more attention from Mama. “Mom, did you want to make pancakes today? I could go for some…”
Bailey “Excuse me, I’m a toot machine. I like to toot.” Yes, that means what you think it does. She even made a point to tell our pediatrician at Brayden’s check up.
Brett was trying to 1 up his father. He said “my brain is 80x bigger than yours!”
The kids were excited to see their Vday surprises. In reaction to Bailey’s purple My little Pony “I was expecting a blue pony, but this is ok!”
Daddy topped the day off by sending flowers for Bailey. She was ecstatic when they came to the door. “I’m so happy, I could cry!!!!” This will now have to be a yearly tradition!
Before the holidays I was running errands with all 3 kids. It can be challenging at times and it was freezing cold. We stopped for lunch and had to walk back to the car to head home. Half way to the car Brett realizes he left his sticker (someone was handing out to kids) at the lunch table. I told him I was sorry but we needed to get back home and it was too cold to walk back. It was not worth it to me to fight the weather with 3 kids to get a sticker that he will no doubt lose or throw away by the time we get home. My normally level headed mature child completely loses his cool. A tremendous fit ensues. Mind you, wind is blowing the hats off our heads, it’s snowing, it’s about 10 degrees, I had maxed out my allotted time with running around with Brayden AND I had told him to grab it before we left the restaurant. Brett wants to walk 10 min in the wrong direction to get a sticker. I told him no and next time to make sure he had all of his stuff. He is jumping up and down screaming. I continue walking. Knowing his fit is frustrating me, he then yells, “I will not stop crying until we go back and get my sticker!” I was impressed and shocked by his threat. He made a valiant effort and did last a good 25 min of yelling and crying but he did not win said fight.
Rob was out of town one weekend. I had to barter a little with the kids to get all my errands done. After a Costco trip (in Superhero Saturday attire), we went to the book store. After we got all the grocery shopping done, we went to the Jump Zone. On the way home, the car seemed quiet for the first time all weekend. I mentioned, I must have tired babies, it’s so quiet! From the back, Brett says “I’m not tired; I just don’t have any questions or many things to tell you.”
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Wow, has it really been almost 2 years since I’ve updated the Harman blog?! Rob has been not so subtly dropping hints that I have neglected ...

I have lacked on my posting. My husband is the first to point out. It’s just so hard to keep up with everything the kids are doing! We ha...
I apologize firstly for my delay in posting. Rob, as he was off for a solo movie night, told me this evening to stop playing with my phone ...
Wowzers. And just like that summer is over and I have a child starting Kindergarten. Brett is excited and ready. I am not. Did we read e...